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Season 1: Duelist Kingdom

http://users1.ml.mindenkilapja.hu/users/yugioh-manga/uploads/ankh.gifSeason 1: Duelist Kingdomhttp://users1.ml.mindenkilapja.hu/users/yugioh-manga/uploads/ankh.gif

  1. The Heart of the Cards (The Blood Curdling Blue-Eyes White Dragon)
  2. The Gauntlet is Thrown (Illusionist No-Face Trap)
  3. Journey to the Duelist Kingdom (The Lost Exodia)
  4. Into the Hornet's Nest (Insector Combo)
  5. The Ultimate Great Moth (The Ultimate Force: The Great Moth)
  6. First Duel (Beautiful Harpie Lady)
  7. Attack from the Deep (The Sea God Leviathan)
  8. Everything's Relative (Stolen Blue Eyes White Dragon)
  9. Duel with a Ghoul (Saved from Death! Magical Silk Hat)
  10. Give up the Ghost (Counter-Attack of the Blue Eyes White Dragon)
  11. The Dueling Monkey (The Power of Friendship - Barbarians 1 & 2)
  12. Trial by Red Eyes (Black Flame! Red Eyes Black Dragon)
  13. Evil Spirit of the Ring (Morphing Jar's Trap: Flame Swordsman's Narrow Escape)
  14. The Light at the End of the Tunnel (Pitch Dark Duel! Castle Hidden in the Dark)
  15. Winning through Intimidation (Rend the Darkness! Sealing Swords of Light)
  16. The Scars of Defeat (Fierce Battle! Blue Eyes vs Red Eyes)
  17. Arena of Lost Souls - Part I (Terror! Call of the Living Dead)
  18. Arena of Lost Souls - Part II (Shield in the Right Hand, Sword in the Left Hand)
  19. Double Trouble Duel - Part I (Labyrinth Tag Duel)
  20. Double Trouble Duel - Part II (Three-God Combination! Gate Guardian)
  21. Double Trouble Duel - Part III (Black Demons Dragon)
  22. Face Off - Part I (The Destined Duel! Yugi vs Kaiba)
  23. Face Off - Part II (The Strongest! The Magnificent! Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon)
  24. Face Off - Part III (Kuriboh Multiply! The Astonishing Result)
  25. Shining Friendship (Duel of Tears! Friendship)
  26. Champion vs Creator - Part I (Rescue Mokuba! Kaiba vs Pegasus)
  27. Champion vs Creator - Part II (Kaiba Falls! Invincible Toon World)
  28. The Night Before (The Night Before the Finals! Pegasus' Secrets)
  29. Duel Identity - Part I (Driven to Desperation! Shadow of Temptation)
  30. Duel Identity - Part II (The Legendary Strongest Soldier: Chaos Soldier Descends)
  31. Keith's Machination - Part I (Brutal Heavy Metal Deck)
  32. Keith's Machination - Part II (Time's Up! Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon)
  33. Best of Duels, Best of Friends - Part I (The Final Game of Friendship - Yugi vs Jounouchi, Part 1)
  34. Best of Duels, Best of Friends - Part II (The Final Game of Friendship - Yugi vs Jounouchi, Part 2)
  35. Match of the Millennium - Yugi vs Pegasus Part I (Final Duel - Yugi vs Pegasus)
  36. Match of the Millennium - Yugi vs Pegasus Part II (Attacks Impossible!? Invincible Toon Army)
  37. Match of the Millennium - Yugi vs Pegasus Part III (Counterattack Begins! Mind Shuffle)
  38. Match of the Millennium - Yugi vs Pegasus Part IV (The Evil Eye Opens - Sacrifice)
  39. Match of the Millennium - Yugi vs Pegasus Part V (The Fusion of Light and Darkness - Black Chaos Descends)
  40. Aftermath (King of Duelists)
  41. The Wrath of Rebecca (The Girl from America)
  42. The Ties of Friendship (Deadly Shadow Ghoul)
  43. Legendary Heroes - Part I (The Big 5's Trap: Duel Monsters Quest)
  44. Legendary Heroes - Part II (Duel Monsters Quest 2: The Legendary Hero Yugi)
  45. Legendary Heroes - Part III (Duel Monsters Quest 3: Master of Dragon Knight)
  46. Dungeon Dice Monsters - Part I (Mysterious Transfer Student Otogi Ryuuji)
  47. Dungeon Dice Monsters - Part II (Showdown! Dungeon Dice Monsters)
  48. Dungeon Dice Monsters - Part III (Yugi's Desperate Battle: God Orguss's Violent Attack)
  49. Dungeon Dice Monsters - Part IV (The Miracle Dimension: The Black Magician Summon)

Elfelejtettem a jelszót

http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu105/Merina/y_60nm2.jpg?t=1254437556Yu-Gi-Oh! DM manga

Következő: 292. fejezet
Fordítás: 100%
Szerkesztés: 100%
Feltöltés: 100 %
Letöltés itt: Projektek


http://www.webwallpapers.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/yugioh+anime+wallpaper-150x150.jpgYu-Gi-Oh! DM anime

Magyar felirattal
Visszatöltés: 1-224. rész
Töltés állapot: 30%

Elérheted itt: Online anime



Yu-Gi-Oh! DM anime

Vágatlan verzió / Angol felirattal
Visszatöltés: 1-224. rész
Töltés állapot: 40%

Elérheted itt: Letöltések





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